Other Opportunities

Special events are planned throughout the year. Check the calendar for times and locations.
7th & 8th Grade – most Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.  Check the calendar for scheduled dates.
Adult Bible Study –
10:00 a.m. Sundays as scheduled on the calendar.
Choir Practice
Meet at times of special services/performances.  Please contact the office if you are interested in joining the choir on a full-time basis or if you are interested in participating during certain times of the year/holidays.
Bell Choir –
Meet at times of special services.  Please contact the office if you are interested in joining the Bell Choir.
Women may join one of several groups, which meet for fellowship and Bible study on a monthly basis.
Watch the bulletin and web page for other educational and fellowship events.
All are invited and welcome to participate in any of our educational opportunities regardless of denomination or membership at First Lutheran Church.