Pastor Anne Nies
Pastor Anne is serving as a full-time pastor at First Lutheran. She is the spiritual leader of our congregation. Pastor Anne performs all pastoral duties including leading worship and confirmation, officiating weddings and funerals, performing baptisms, participating in congregational and community events, and meeting with others to help strengthen their faith or overcome significant life changes.
Tammy Hahn
Administrative Assistant
Tammy Hahn is the center of communication. When you call First Lutheran Church, she will be the voice on the phone. She performs all office and secretarial duties to include, gathering information, planning and printing bulletins and newsletters. Keeps records and reports of all members, groups and committees, coordinates volunteers, manages physical logistics, schedules rooms for church use, distributes mail and forwards messages to staff, groups and committees.
Deanna Abernathey
Deanna is responsible for the financial management of First Lutheran Church, including bill payment, bookkeeping, and generation of financial reports
to church council.
Willard (Willie) Hahn
Willards position is vital to the life of First Lutheran Church. This position is more than maintenance of the Church building/property and reflects a high standard of cleanliness and order. Our custodian is responsible for cleaning an environment that reflects hospitality, warmth, care and safety for all who enter.